engine 8.1

This started off as a broken exhaust stud (well, actually, multiple broken exhaust studs).  The engine bay was too cramped to drill in the vehicle, so the front clip came off. then the engine came out for a "refresh" (which turned into a total engine rebuild and peripherals to be inspected, refreshed, or replaced.)

While the engine is out, all the brake lines were replaced, fuel lines replaced, frame rails repainted, pads, rotors, calipers, and shocks replaced, and battery cables replaced.  :)

At the time of the rebuild, (although the engine only had an exhaust leak due to a broken stud) the engine was rebuilt at 7 years old!  Scoring found on the cylinder walls (after 120,000 miles) bored out the engine from a 496 to a 502 cubic inches!

Removing broken studs!

This was after machine work.  I had to hammer and chisel the rust scale off the block, and painted the block.  (This was before acetone was used to remove over spray and clean out any remaining dirt before assembly

Although the parts look new, everything was cleaned, stripped, and repainted to look new!

YES!  I do it nice 'cause I do it twice!  I have a spare 8.1 also bored out to 502, that I am doing now and shelving.  When I have to do this again, I won't have a long down time!  :)

torque to yield

the water pump is fine, but cleaned.

valve covers had to be repainted with a wrinkle paint and put a factory style finish

When I do any mechanical work, EVERYTHING needs to be within original factory tolerances - then I know it is done right, and it should last another 7 years before rust destroys things!